Creation Science Club banner: Affiliate linkIt is exciting to share with you about a series of books written for our kids! We have a wealth of information showing it is more reasonable to trust God’s testimony in the Bible than human ideas about the past. But most of the material available is hard to follow and, frankly, boring.

Not these books!

I’m thrilled that Creation Ministries International is publishing these fiction books for my family and yours to learn in a fun way.

CSC-book-setThis series comes as a set of five books. The quality of the paperbacks is great and the cover art actually looks better in person than the picture shows. I wanted to know more about Ms. Lution just seeing her smiling face on the first book. 🙂

Challenging Ms. Eva Lution

Instantly I knew the authors, John and Lisa Fox, know a thing or two about story telling. We get thrown into a race for our lives in the first sentences. There were a couple of loose ends with the story, for example, we never do find out for sure what happened to the bear, but that turned out to be a very minor plot point anyway.

I walked into this kind of skeptical of the title- what kind of silly name is “Eva Lution”? And there were more: Jack and Jill Hill, Quantum Leap University, and Miss Informed. Seriously?

At least with Miss Informed the characters recognize how odd her name is and have a bit of fun with it.

There were also some sci-fi elements with the quality of the inventions the genius teens have developed. You could even say the creation scientist with the money and time to take them traveling (including to the Galapagos Islands) in his personal airplane was pretty close to science fiction. It almost gave the feeling we weren’t quite in the real world.

But those were the weakest elements of the story.

The main character, David, was a bit of an every-boy, with no particular distinguishing features in the first story. The same could be said for the creation scientist who takes him under his wing. On the other hand, the genius twins were fleshed out so beautifully you wanted to meet them and were prepared to accept the oddities they were sure to show as poster boys for Asperger’s Syndrome.

I thought it was brilliant that they inserted the more technical information as if they were the reports David turned in for his school assignments. It’s easier to take in less than exciting facts when they are presented by someone you care about and who is your peer.

It even came across well when the initially antagonistic principal ended up recognizing Jesus as Creator and Savior because of some carefully crafted flashbacks to her mother. I hadn’t expected to find this so believable, but it worked.

The Rest of the Series

The 2nd book follows the first plot rather closely rounding out the basic areas of difference between the evolutionary and Biblical worldviews. We find out a tiny bit more about David, but it remains difficult to say what makes him tick.

Book 3 was the most confusing at first as we got a whole slew of new characters, half of whom weren’t even real. The unexpected insertion of a highly developed story-within-a-story had me totally confused until I realized it was supposed to be a tale the creation scientist was sharing with the young people. It also left you wondering how the Hugh Ross stand-in was convinced to transfer his allegiance to the Bible alone.

The rest of the series continues in similar veins of story development, introducing new characters and tackling different subjects. And always with the Biblical creation view winning the day with anyone who matters.

My Recommendation

Considering there isn’t anything even close to this genre and quality of book anywhere else, I’d get these again. My kids loved it when I read aloud and would beg for more whenever I stopped. Once I realized what was happening with the story in a story, the plots are reasonably well done with enough suspense and tension to keep you wanting to find out what happens next.

In fact, reading it as a family would be a good way to minimize the negatives and offer opportunities to think through the positives. And, these stories will engage kids (and their parents) who usually just don’t care much about how science matters to Christian apologetics.

CMI provided me with a review copy of these books. I warned them I’d be honest about the bad as well as the good if they gave them to me. If you want to purchase the set, please help pay for this website by clicking through to Creation Ministries International through my affiliate link


Categories: Reviews

Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!