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Paul Taylor has pulled together a great overview of the history of Noah’s Flood. He covers both the science and the spiritual/moral implications of this seminal event in our history for ordinary people.

Although Mr. Taylor doesn’t bring the language down quite to a child’s level, he does a great job accomplishing his goal of reaching everyday adults. There are a few points he brings up repeatedly, but that’s because the book is designed for you to search for a topic rather than having to read straight through.

It was especially nice to see the last section is laid out to give a study group starter questions to work through. Paul Taylor planned his book with the goal of helping churches lead their entire congregations into a deeper understanding of the Flood.

Don’t Miss the Boat draws out aspects of the Bible’s account of the Flood that will be sure to interest people no matter what they most enjoy. There is science, yes, but also theology, history, and the picture of Jesus’ salvation the ark so clearly gives us.

Having studied this topic for years, very little of Taylor’s points were new to me, but there is something extraordinary about this book that makes it worth having in any well stocked Creation library. Just before the wrap up bits of the book, Taylor plies his hand at some fiction writing.

I won’t go into detail, but will tell you the snapshot accounts included are NOT from Noah’s perspective. They are gut wrenching views of what would inspire God to wipe the slate clean. It isn’t stuff for kids, but neither does Taylor revel in sinful gore. By the time someone is well into their teens, they should be aware of the kinds of sins mentioned.

For me, I found the stories hit home in a way I’d never experienced. They are powerful, and likely to make us wonder why Jesus hasn’t returned to wipe sinful humanity out again already. Although, today there is a far larger remnant of people sold out to Jesus.

Paul Taylor doesn’t load his book with bibliography, but he does mention enough to give you places to go if you want to learn more. There were at least two books I hadn’t heard of that are now on my list to check out ASAP!

If you want to find out more about Paul Taylor’s work, you’ll enjoy checking out his articles on Answers in Genesis and catching up on two and a half seasons of co-hosting the Creation Today Show with Eric Hovind. I think you’ll find he’s a delightful, wise, and understanding British gentleman. I know he’s done a video series on the Six Days of Creation and from what the book says, there should be a video on the Flood to go along with his book soon.

Disclaimer: Thanks to all of you, Master Books gave me a free copy of Don’t Miss the Boat to review! They didn’t tell me what to say about it, though. Want to check out more reviews (generally much more gushy than mine)? Check out the link up page for us at New Leaf Press’ Blog

Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!


creationclues · at

Did he say anything about the shape of the ark? I know that a lot of creationists don’t endorse Ken Ham’s large tail fin and rudder idea. What are your thoughts on that?

    Cheri Fields · at

    Yes he does have a chapter on the size and dimensions of the ark. There’s no mention of a controversy, but Taylor does have one of AiG’s drawings and a B&W photo of the ark replica in Holland.
    I like AiG’s thinking on what it would take to help the ark be more comfortable and stable in the water. The fact that very early boats used hull shape to stabilize them makes me think it’s plausible Noah understood such technology.
    There are many places in Scripture where we are given great room for imagination while remaining true to what God gave us. As long as we aren’t fighting about it, I don’t think it bothers God in the least. 🙂


Thanks for this review

    Cheri Fields · at

    It was super exciting to find out I could join the Master Books review team. I don’t get all their books, but I was saving up for their creation books anyway. It doesn’t hurt to pay for them by getting the word out instead.
    This was one book I wanted to read anyway. 🙂

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