Island muddy pond, photo credit: Christ 73

Abiogenesis, aka Spontaneous Generation

The supposed development of living organisms from nonliving matter. Also called autogenesis, spontaneous generation. Medical Dictionary: The Free Have you gotten to study about Louis Pasteur yet? Besides his work on preventing germs from spoiling your milk (Pasteurization) and immunization, he is most famous for proving that spontaneous generation Read more…


Let’s Be a Blessing!

First, the Bad News “Many who respond to something disagree with it. That’s to be expected. Agreeing tends to motivate people less than disagreeing….The result is there’s a lot more disagreeing going on, especially measured by the word.” Paul Graham How to Disagree, 2008 “It is enough for the disciple Read more…

Super Mutant Drawing

Mutants R Us???

I recently received a comment highlighing the importance of this topic, so I thought it was time to share this with you again. You can also check out a clue from the Bible HERE: One of my earliest articles on this blog was on the question of whether dark-skinned people Read more…