James Irwin, Lander, and Flag on Moon

Creationist Astronauts

The other day I saw an article over on Cowboy Bob’s Question Evolution website. He was talking about an article on one of America’s first astronauts, Colonel James Irwin, and his faith in Jesus, his Creator. This got me thinking about astronauts and Jesus. I’d remembered hearing the first broadcast Read more…

Small Complete Fossil Vertebrate

Just what is a fossil?

  Last week on facebook I shared someone’s photo of a museum display that proclaimed “fossil. n.: any evidence of life more than 7,000 years old.” I had a bit of a lively debate discussing what exactly a fossil would be.  The best they could come up with was that Read more…

The Mysterious Okapi

  [cryptozoology: krip-toe-zoo-ah-luh-gee, the study of evidence tending to substantiate the existence of, or the search for, creatures whose reported existence is unproved, as the Abominable Snowman or the Loch Ness monster.] OK, I’m cheating a little on my definition because the scientific community has known about the Okapi [oh-cop-ee] Read more…