Lawn With Hundreds of Dandelions

Please Pray!

64% of American Christians choose Jesus before turning 18 Over 88%  of church kids go to public school  70% of church kids drop out of church once they are on their own Why do they drop out? (from Answers in Genesis)  “A substantial percentage of the young adults surveyed said Read more…

Lawn With Hundreds of Dandelions

Sin is Like an Infection

God doesn’t tell us not to sin because He’s mean. God loves us and knows how miserable we are when we choose sin. You probably already know what happens to friends when one lies about the other. So, God told us not to do it (Exodus 20:16). All of God’s Read more…

Lawn With Hundreds of Dandelions

The Bible Loves Science

That’s the “working title,” anyway. It’s been close to a year since starting this blog and all along I’ve been wondering if and when God would give me a book idea. My situation is a little complicated because I really want another baby and when my body is providing for Read more…