Creation Speakers: Eric Hovind
As you know, one of my favorite creation ministries to keep up with is Creation Today. I especially love how the their ministry’s show interviews all kinds of individuals who aren’t with the “big guns” about their particular focus in the Creation and Bible worldview. I’ve been getting updates from Read more…
Tighten Your Belts, Parents! Hard Work Ahead
There’s a idea for a general Christian parenting article that’s been banging around in my head since September. Today, I want to share one of the more important (and uncomfortable) concepts with you. My first plan for the article included getting quotes from several “experts” in the creation science field. Read more…
Parents: Believe in Special Creation if you must, but don’t pass it on to your kids!
Yesterday this video made the rounds on the Creation facebook pages. It is not from a Creationist site and this guy is certainly not a Creationist himself. Have a look for yourself: [youtube=] Notice how he says that it’s OK with him if you old people continue to believe your Read more…
New stuff at Creation Conversations
I remembered to check Creation Conversations earlier this month but they hadn’t put new Free Resources up yet. Today got an email that they’re up now. You will be excited to hear that they have a $3,000 essay competition for high schooler juniors and seniors. This year’s winner is Timothy Weir with Read more…
Vestigial Organs Are Not Vestigial!
One of my frequent commenters here is Don Ruhl of The Bible Meditator. Today he has a Creation Science post for you all.Vestigial Organs Are Not Vestigial! It’s kind of long, but his points are great. The funny thing is how we keep finding purposes for all of these things, Read more…