Quotes: Aardvark

To accompany Aardvarks: Unique, Unchanging, Cool: “Aardvarks are a blast from the past. The genetics of the Aardvark goes back 160 million years, back to the Jurassic period” What Do Animals Eat? Well, not that far back, but aardvarks do go back to just 6 days after the universe got Read more…

Bagheera Kiplingi, Wiki Commons

Bagheera Spider Quotes

To go with Bagheera the Vegetarian Spider   From National Geographic, “It is utterly surreal,” [Meehan, one of the researchers] said, “to see a spider use such effective hunting strategies to hunt a plant.” Surreal:  having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic. Wouldn’t it be something to Read more…

Pyramids of Giza, Wikimedia

Quotes: Hezekiah’s Tunnel

To go with Ancient Technology in the Bible: Hezekiah’s Tunnel From the Biblical Archeology Review quote from Ayreh Shimron, “I think here is where we have to consider the possibility—perhaps even probability—that the Old Testament narrative regarding the threat that the Assyrian monarch Sennacherib made toward Jerusalem in the year 701 Read more…

Pyramids of Giza, Wikimedia

Quotes: Atlatl

To go with the article Ancient Technology: Atlatl, Super Weapon Quote from Atlatl.com, “The great innovation of Atlatl weights in the evolution of this technology bears the mark of true genius.” Now that’s the right way to use the word Evolution!  It comes about by the application of intelligence.  In Read more…