I’m thrilled to be the hostess for Master Books weekly giveaway today!CS4K-Frozen-In-Time

Frozen in Time, by Michael Oord

Living in Alaska, we all had seen the skeletons of Mammoths and Mastadons. Hearing about how some had been frozen with buttercups still in their stomachs was terrifying and exciting. What would the tundra have been like with such, well, mammoth beasts wandering around? It turns out, pretty unrecognizable.

I hadn’t realized until reading this book Michael Oord was the one who came up with the most popular Creationist theory of how the Ice Age could have worked. He looks at all kinds of evidence for this period, much of it from the 1,000s of preserved bodies and bones of the Mammoths.

From what the table of contents shows, it looks like about half the book focuses on the big extinct Proboscidea [members of the elephant kind]. The other half shows all sorts of factors and evidences for the Ice Age. Oord has included some exciting stuff and has given me several ideas for more posts.

English: Tent of Nomads in Tibet

Tent of Nomads in Tibet

There is even a section on how the Ice Age would have affected people. Oord doesn’t cover everything, it would take several books this size to cover all the info I’m aware of, but what he does talk about was eye opening. I’m itching to tell you about some of those things, too!

As we’ve come to expect, Master Books does a great job giving us a book that is high quality and well researched.

The reading level isn’t too bad, but is written for the serious layman. It would be good to have in your home library by the time the kids get to be about 12.

New Leaf Publishing Group has an article with a longer description of the book HERE

Alright, now for the giveaway rules:

If you’ve signed up for any of Master Books offers, you know they usually have a “Rafflecopter” to earn points by signing up for things or sharing about them. I don’t think that works on WordPress.com where my blog is hosted, so we’re doing it the “easy” way.

You get one entry by leaving a comment

Here’s what I’d like to ask you to do. Book selling (and author marketing) is all about connections. We need you.

So, if you use social media, please help us out. In your comment, let us know which form is your favorite for following us and if you’ve let your friends know about Master Books giveaway today (I know, it’s tempting to keep the odds in your favor by not letting anyone know, but the one time I got a free book I’d shared with my followers and won anyway. 🙂 )

If you only use email, that’s fine. You could send a link about what you think of this giveaway to your address book.

Here’s where to find us (go ahead and click, it opens a new tab):

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Blog RSS feed


And my accounts:OLYMPUS

facebook (has the most content/interaction)

Pinterest (only my researched articles)

Twitter (I don’t spam)

The “Follow this Blog” button on the right works for all my posts by email, too

(I’ve got a Google+ account, but haven’t had time to make heads or tails of it. If you have another favorite media outlet I should check out, let me know!)

The stormy wind comes from its chamber,
    and the driving winds bring the cold.
God’s breath sends the ice,
    freezing wide expanses of water. Job 37:9-10 NLT

Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!


Jennifer Greene · at

I follow on facebook

    Cheri Fields · at

    Jennifer, I’ll pass on your name, but the contest was just for Friday. Thanks for following! 🙂

Gayle · at

Facebook follower. Loves books that tell the truth about creation!!!

Twila claycomb · at

I would love to win this for my kids. I follow you on facebook

Beth wilson · at

This would be great for our kids. I like facebook the most

BibleScienceGuy · at

I’ve liked and followed this blog by email for a long time. I’ll share on Twitter.

Caleb LePore · at

I would love to win this book for a Creation Library we are building at our home Church. We follow you on Facebook!

Dorie · at

Following on fb through my blog. Master Books are fabulous – each one we own we have found to be informative and interesting – books we return to again and again.

Ramon Ruenes · at

I prefer to use Facebook to follow notifications from Master Books and the ministries (like Answers in Genesis) that publish through it. I don’t agree with the politics of Facebook’s leaders and founders at all. I’ll share a link to this URL from my Facebook page.

Gloria Wilson · at

I follow you on facebook. Thank you for the chance to win this book. We would use it in our Christian school if we won it.

Sharon · at

Hello! Thank you for hosting the giveaway. It looks like a great book. I use Facebook for following. I pinned the giveaway to Pinterest. http://pinterest.com/pin/113997434290921699/

Barb Simeon · at

Follow on FB. Looks like a great book. Thanks for offering.

zekesmom10 · at

I have a serious love/hate relationship with social media. But I mostly use FB to see what everyone is up to.

Jamie · at

I follow you and Master Books on facebook, twitter, and pinterest. I tweeted about your contest. https://twitter.com/rangersbraves/status/365968519898202112

Lisa Boyle · at

I follow you on FB. 🙂 I will share the contest! 🙂

future.flying.saucers · at

I am a follower through WordPress, and Facebook. I’ll share this on my blog….AND I think I was one of your first fans…… LOL That should count for something, right????? *grin!*

    Cheri Fields · at

    You sure were, but I don’t get to weigh the odds. 😀

soaringeagle8 · at

My daughter loves these types of books. I prefer FB and I shared this contest.

Caitlin · at

I like to follow on facebook. Thanks!

Tami Hill · at

WOuld love to win this as my daughter will be learning about fossils this year in science! Keep up the great work!

Micah Fowler · at

Follow on Facebook. Being a home school family we enjoy and appreciate the blog.

    Cheri Fields · at

    Let me know what your kids really think. There are a lot of times it’s hard to remember my audience because I know it’s usually adults visiting. 🙂

msvaughan5@msn.com · at

I entered my comment on here and Facebook, which is my preferred method of receiving information from Creation Science 4 Kids. Would love to win this book! Thank you. 🙂

Patricia · at

This looks like an interesting read. My way of sharing is usually word of mouth and/or old fashioned letter(s). It’s so much more effective than electronic sharing.

Sara · at

Facebook, and a follower as well as shared.

Amy Webb · at

Please enter me to win; I really want to read this and can’t afford the buy right now! 🙂 I use facebook and Pinterest, as do most of my friends. Shared on both.

    Cheri Fields · at

    Thanks. I know the feeling. It’s one of the reasons I started blogging. 🙂

Melinda J · at

Please enter me to win! I’m sharing this giveaway on Facebook!

Jessica Fowler · at

I follow you on Facebook. I also shared on Facebook. 🙂

Rachel Nale-Charles · at

Sharing on facebook. Love Masterbooks

'Guerite ~ BoldLion · at

I am a librarian for my church’s library. We do need those kind of books since we do have a lot of homeschooler. They have been checking out Master’s books and haven’t yet return them since we don’t limit for 2 weeks. I know that they will too love this book. I am looking forward to win this. I am sharing this on Facebook and on Twitter too.

Patty · at

I use Facebook and so do most of my friends. I will share this on Facebook

Tiffany Paxton · at

I shared this on Facebook. Looks like a great book.

Jennifer Greene · at

My favorite spot to follow is on google plus and that is where I shared about this giveaway.

Sarah Ter Maat · at

My favorite spot to follow is on Facebook. I’ll be sharing this on my page.

Melissa · at

New Leaf is my favorite publisher and I love every book I have purchased or received from MB. This will be a great book for anyone that wins it! =) Following and absolutely sharing/liking. =)

Paul Horne · at

Facebook is my primary means of social interaction on the Internet.

Jessica Lynette · at

I think my comment disappeared?? Delete this one if you can see the other one 🙂
I follow on FB & email!

    Cheri Fields · at

    WordPress makes me “approve” every comment. I tried to turn it off for today, but it won’t let me. You’re on the list now!

Alene · at

I follow and share on facebook. I haven’t followed your blog before but I’ll change that in a sec :).

    Cheri Fields · at

    Oh, wonderful, Alene. My posts do forward to facebook, but if you’re busy right then, they’re easy to miss. Welcome!

Heather Street Dubree · at

Mainly facebook, but also follow on twitter…. 🙂

Lisa C · at

I follow on Facebook and Twitter. I usually share on both as well.

nancysilvers2013 · at

I am primarily a facebook person. I LOVE sharing contests because it’s fun to see a friend win and it gets the word out about the company hosting the contest…I love New Leaf and hope all my friend, specially my home schooling friends, know about the wonderful books you’all publish. 🙂

    Cheri Fields · at

    I like facebook, too. It’s fun with all the pictures and just enough content. The only problem is how easy it is to miss out on things when you’re busy for a few hours. Thanks for sharing!

Suzanne Ruckman · at

I follow on facebook.

robbie marley · at

I use facebook and share through facebook

Kelly Grossman · at

I follow on facebook and I share on facebook to let my friends know! Thanks!

Matthew Kratz · at

I follow on facebook and email. I usually post contests on facebook.

I.L. Martin · at

My son loves all the dinosaur/dragon resources!

    I.L. Martin · at

    (From MB. We will have to check out this one! Looks great!)

    Cheri Fields · at

    Mine, Master Books, or both? 😀

Patricia · at

I hope to win this great book. My kids would love it- its wonderful to have these books that combine faith and science.

Lou Ann · at

Love your blog. I will publicize your giveaway on Facebook in a minute or two and also by e-mail to a personal friend.

Charity H · at

I follow you on facebook and email, and I haven’t let anyone know about the giveaway because I just found out about it myself! I’m not online a lot. 🙂

    Cheri Fields · at

    Not a problem. I wasn’t either until God pushed me out here!

Comments are closed.