Continued from Insect Metamorphosis & Evolution: Part one

Some species of Caddisfly (Halesus cf. tessela...

Some species of Caddisfly

Did you know butterflies are hardly the only kind of bug to grow with metamorphosis? Moths, flies, lacewings, caddisflies, bees, wasps, fleas, beetles, and ants all transform from larva with a wormlike body to a completely different adult.

Evolutionists have a hard time explaining such a complicated life cycle. If anything goes wrong, the bug dies without passing on its DNA to a new generation.

Here’s the only story scientists have right now to explain how an insect could go through a worm-like stage before developing into something so different:

Ant larva and Pupae. The pupae are brought int...

Ant larva and Pupae

long, long ago, an insect which was supposed to stay in its egg until it looked like a tiny adult couldn’t absorb its yolk sac properly. So, it grew jaws and munched down on the leftovers.

After it hatched, it was still wormy looking but with this great new mouth it ate its way to dominance. The best part was, now it wasn’t eating the same foods as the adults, so this life cycle quickly became popular among lots of insects.  

Does this sound scientific to you?

SEM microphoto of the head of a snout moth not...

Moth Proboscis (drinking straw)

How do you get the first caterpillar to grow a leaf munching mouth when the adult only has a straw to drink with? No one thinks you can have so many mutations at once this could happen in just one generation, so the bug would starve long before passing on its DNA.

And what about before the bug got hungry in its egg? How did those “tiny adults” grow in the first place? Such a bug would have had a hard time building up to full size on a liquid diet. If it stayed tiny, it would have had miniature eggs and in just a couple generations they’d shrink out of sight.

Mayfly, May 2007

Some insects that grow through metamorphosis never eat as an adult. The mayfly is known to be quite low in the fossil record (which means evolutionists think it’s one of the first insects) and doesn’t eat a thing once it has wings. There is no way for it to survive without having a larval stage in place already.

English: Protective silk (or similar material)...

Protective silk cocoon

Then there’s the problem of turning the caterpillar into a butterfly. If the caterpillar is just a stretched out egg stage, it wouldn’t know how to build a new protective covering for the transformation into an adult. The whole set of instructions would have to be there for the very first bug or it dies.

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made!
    In wisdom you have made them all.
    The earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104:24 NLT

Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!


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