I’ve been telling everybody on my social media channels but forgot to let you know my new eBook is out!
You can download it onto your favorite eReader or read it on your home computer.

Mysteries of Time and Creation closeup

My eBook Page

Please let me know if the page works well or if there’s anything I should change to make things easier for you to use and share with your friends.

The whole reason I took the time to write a book was to reach kids who never come to visit my website. Lots of young people have tablets and other smart devices. What better way to get them thinking about where we come from than using technology they already enjoy?

More Science Resources

CAN Podcast

CAN Cover PhotoWhen I wrote about creationist podcasts a while back I wasn’t sure what Vinnie Harned of Creation Astronomy Now was doing with his show. He’s done several things with video, but now he’s getting back into podcasting. If you like his show, be sure to let him know; it’s a big encouragement to hear from people.

For those who are interested, Vinnie is also doing a podcast called the Homeschooled Nerd. With a name like that it’s got to have something to do with science! 😀


“…near Pluto’s equator reveal a giant surprise: a range of youthful mountains.”

Things have been way too busy for me to do much studying on what we’ve found with New Horizon’s flyby of Pluto. I have heard it looks way younger than a billions of years old object should. Personally, I’m sure they’ll figure out how this is just what they expect to find within a month or so. For the godless, any explanation is better than admitting the existence of a Creator God!

My family did enjoy listening to a great podcast for kids on the NASA program to pluto. Brains On is one of our favorite shows. This particular episode is pure observational science. Sometimes they get into evolutionary thinking (like when a girl asked what the first language would have been like), but not usually. When they do talk about evolution it gives us a chance to discuss why they think what they do and whether there are any facts forcing them to those conclusions or just their worldview.

If you notice some similarities between my podcast and Molly’s, you’re right. I got some good ideas from her! 😀

Store Update

Independent Creation Books

Besides adding my own eBook to my store, I’ve run into a few new resources lately. For a long time there have been some creationist books I like that aren’t available at Answers in Genesis or Creation Ministries International. So, I’ve made a mini store connecting you to Amazon. There about a dozen books there that either I’ve read or regard highly.

Online Homeschool Science Courses

There’s also a new affiliate at the bottom of the page. I decided not to bother with the general science/craft companies, but at the same time I ran into Schoolhouse Teachers.com. They are part of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine group and are young earth creationist themselves. If you homeschool, you’ll want to check out their science and many other courses.

Creation Geology for Kids

Lastly, I ran into a new company helping us teach our kids about science. Cornerstone Educational Supply has the tagline “Biblical Geology at it’s BEST”. It was started by Dr. Martin Ross who’s a young earth geologist who cares about the next generation.


I was so excited I put up a link to them on my sidebar. If you visit the website on a computer, you’ll see them next to every post!

When I contacted them, they decided to send me a sample of their fossils kits. It is super exciting to get something besides a book (much as I love them) to review. I’ll be posting my thoughts about them soon, but thought I’d let you know in case your kids could use some hands on geology for summer break.

Science is such a marvelous way for us to honor our Creator, Jesus. I pray these resources help you and the kids in your life appreciate and praise Him more every day!

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14


Categories: AstronomyLinks I like

Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!