
“He ate no pork, kept kosher dietary laws, and obeyed the strictures of the Sabbath, all rather difficult to do when the rest of his family had a lack of interest bordering on disdain for such displays. He even composed his own hymns for the glorification of God, which he sang to himself as he walked home from school….Einstein’s exposure to science produced a sudden reaction against religion at age 12, just as he would have been readying for a bar mitzvah.” Einstein, by Walter Isaacson

What would the world have been like if Einstein hadn’t rejected God at age 12? Especially if someone who knew Jesus as Savior had been able to help him understand how science helps us see God more clearly?

Those of you in the Creation Science 4 Kids Club have already heard I’ve started moving towards getting my kids’ book published one way or another soon. I’d like to let you know where things stand right now so you can help me pray.

First, if you want to get up to speed on what the book’s about, I’ve got a couple short posts sharing my journey with you:

The Bible Loves Science tells the story of how I came to write the book

Please Pray! shares the burden I felt when the book was first finished

Of course, God’s timing isn’t ours. He did give me the baby I longed for just after finishing the manuscript. At the same time He caused my submission to never even register at the publisher I wanted, had the only other main publisher turn me down flat, and filled my life with so much to do there was no room for trying to self-publish.

Lord willing that’s about to change!

At the end of this week, an editor who likes my book is presenting it to the curriculum committee of the publisher I’d love to work with. If they say yes, my job will be the simple but highly involved one of helping get the word out and networking in every way possible. For two years I’ve been collecting camps, churches, and more people who work with kids. I love what this book is about so much, I’m not even afraid to cold call them if necessary.

If the publisher can’t take the book on, there aren’t any other options I know of for traditionally publishing a book like mine. I would have to learn formatting, find a cover (I’ll need your help, good ones don’t come cheap), get my own ISBN, learn to work with Amazon, etc. Plus there would still be all the networking to do.

My now 15 month daughter would really appreciate it if Mommy wasn’t more busy than she is now!

So, for her sake, and the millions of kids out there who need to hear how science supports the Bible’s message:



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Categories: What Cheri's Up To

Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!