An Antebellum era (pre-civil war) family Bible...

OK, so we’ve got colds, I’m potty training my youngest (yes, guys, this writer really is a mom), and we’re busy on top of it.

I just don’t have time to do justice to rock layers like I want to. ๐Ÿ™

But, for years now, I’ve put reading through the Bible top place on my priority list. I don’t do anything else but physical necessities until God has spoken to me through His Word.

This year I was determined to find a plan where you aren’t reading 178 verses one day (Psalm 119) and 14 the next (3rd John). What’s more,it needed to be a mix of passages. If you don’t get bored reading the beginning of I Chronicles, kudos. I don’t want to endure that if there’s another way.

There are a bunch of other ways! Two years ago, I used M’Cheyne’s plan and liked it a lot except for reading the New Testament twice a year. I always read more than what’s required one way or another, I don’t like having even more “required” than necessary.

This year, I decided to look for an even better plan and ran into something called a Thematic Bible Reading Plan that’s brand new! You don’t have to start on January 1 or on the first Sunday of the year. Just jump in whenever you’re ready.

Here’s why I’m mentioning it: I love the passages he’s tied in to Genesis chapters 1-4. Psalm 148 is glorious and is making me rethink whether the idea of vast amounts of water beyond space is so crazy after all. Ephesians 1 is super exciting with the reminder that God chose believers before the world began.

Then there’s how well Ephesians chapter 2 ties in with our Fall. We are all born “children of disobedience” because of what our first parents chose. But, it’s not the end of the story!

And here’s the idea that inspired me to work up this post before I have to run:

Look at Genesis 1:3. What did God do? He “said”. He used words to create. If you keep reading you’ll find there was just one thing He created without simply speaking it into being (although God did talk about His plans): People.

That’s something we like to think about. It’s cool. But look at what God does in the next verse:

And God saw

English: Sun beams lighting up the glens Stron...

I don’t really know how it works out, but there is something about actually experiencing an event that applies to God just like it does to us.

We can plan things out and think things through, but there’s nothing like actually being somewhere and doing something. Have you ever dreamed you ate food? It has no flavor. You have to put real food in your mouth to taste it.

Genesis 1 isn’t the only place this idea comes out. Look at what happened to Jesus when He became a human being:

Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; Hebrews 5:8ย 

Jesus experienced how hard it is to obey when your body is hurting and did it anyway.

I don’t know how it all works out, but God experiences reality something like we do. What a mind blowing thought!

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Hebrews 4:15


Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!


Joanna Sormunen · at

You got me all excited about this Bible reading plan. I must check it out!
It’s true that there are parts of Bible that are hard to read (Cronicles for instance) and a good reading plan is essential. I like the way you tell that this plan has united parts of Bible to create a new reading experience.

    Cheri Fields · at

    I’m glad you like it, Joanna. As mentioned earlier, it’s not that I’m some super Christian, I just know what it takes to keep me motivated. And a well thought out Bible plan is a *big help*!
    PS, I like Chronicles, once you get back to history rather than all those names (of real people, proving this is history not myth… blah, blah). The author was so much more positive than the one who wrote Kings. ๐Ÿ˜€

Carrie Ann Tripp · at

Several times I have started the read through in a year plan. This year my husband and I have started it together. We’re doing one on YouVersion that has some OT, Psalm/Proverbs, and NT each day. I’m hoping having a partner helps to keep me accountable in actually reading the WHOLE thing. i read/study the Bible a lot, but I’ve never followed through with reading the whole thing for SURE.

Great post! I also posted today on what i read in my morning devotion. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Cheri Fields · at

    Hi, Carrie. Yes, reading through the Bible is so hard there seems to be only one explanation for it: our old nature and the Enemy don’t want us to! Finding a program (any program) and accountability is huge.
    I didn’t read through the Bible from the time I got married until my oldest was six. What got me back into it was having the whole church and my husband being assigned to do it too. I also determined not to read anything (in print or online) until I’d read the Bible first.
    Blessings on getting through the tough stuff this year!


We’re also potty training our oldest child!

    Cheri Fields · at

    Oldest! I’ll have recalibrate my mental picture of you. ๐Ÿ˜€

BibleScienceGuy · at

Cheri, I like the Thematic Bible reading plan. I think I’ll try it next year for variety. I especially like that it spreads the Psalms throughout the year, as I have a hard time reading straight through Psalms.

This year I’m using the Blue Letter Bible’s Chronological Plan via the YouVersion mobile app. In this plan you read passages in historical order; that is, you read chapters in the order in which the recorded events actually occurred as can best be determined by historical research.

One thing I do not like about the YouVersion plans (over 600 of them) is that you can only see one day at a time. I want to see the whole plan in order to evaluate the “chronological order” that was chosen. However, the YouVersion plan is probably similar to this Chronological Plan from BibleStudyTools, and I can see this whole plan.

Here is a short blog post I wrote 2 years ago on this subject that may be of interest: Bible Reading Plans.

In any case, the important thing is to read the Bible, and any plan is better than no plan.

    Cheri Fields · at

    I agree. Having a plan, and especially someone to do things with you makes a big difference.
    The other week I had a lady at Bible study refer to me as “Miss Smartie-Pants” because I know so much. Well, I have been blessed with a godly family and a good mind, but a lot has to do with learning to work with my weaknesses. I color in my Bible, read around, and have accountability!
    If I ever had to just read straight through the history books or the prophets with only the KJV, I would have as much trouble as a lot of people have getting into God’s word.
    When my kids first read through the Bible for themselves, I’ll recommend a chronological plan. It’s a great way to get a feel for the flow of history- which the Bible is, after all. ๐Ÿ˜€

Hunt FOR Truth · at

Thank you for point out this plan. I like it.
Happy New Year.
~ Eric

    Cheri Fields · at

    I was so excited with it I wrote a thank you email to the designer. I’m glad you like it too. ๐Ÿ™‚

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