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by Ken Ham with Cindy Malott, published by Master Books

My mom bought the first 4 of these for my kids, and as of now I’m the only one to take an interest in them, so these are just my take on them. We figure having a mom who’s a creation geek is education enough. We don’t force them to sit down and read a catechism on top of what gushes out of me! 🙂

These are cool little books. If you haven’t seen them in person it’s hard to picture how perfect their size (6″ [15 cm] square) and design (hardbound) is for kids.

At this moment my beginning reader is sitting next to me and looking through the first book and taking in all the pictures. Each book tackles 22 questions from kids on two page spreads. The question is on the left and Ham’s answer is on the right. There are tons of graphics plus photos of kids on each page.

The books don’t shy away from tough topics. I can’t find our copy of the 2nd book, but the series seems to move in order of increasing difficulty. But that might be just the way they divided things by topic (Volume 1: Creation and the Fall. Volume 4: Sin, Salvation, and the Christian Life, and so on).

I was really impressed with the depth and clarity of the kids’ questions. They know how to get us grown ups thinking! I was pleased with Ham’s handling of the answers, although the limited space he had brought back feelings from the Ham/Nye debate. There just wasn’t room to do many issues justice.

I’ll probably keep these books hanging around for my kids to pick up when the mood strikes them. At the same time I think the series would be ideal to read as a family (as long as you aren’t given to long-winded sermons when you talk about serious issues! 😀 ). Tackling one idea at a time would be an awesome course in Christian thinking for any family.

Here are a few samples to get your brain juices flowing:

  • Why does God let the bad guys win sometimes? (Vol. 4)
  • Why did God create sin? (Vol. 3)
  • Did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons? (Vol. 1) I’m going to write about this next time!
  • Does God laugh? (Vol. 3)
  • Did God use the same design for humans as for monkeys? (Vol. 1)
  • How do we know other religions aren’t true? (Vol. 4)

See what I mean? This series would keep a pastor on his toes, but these are the kinds of questions we need answers for in today’s (and any day’s) world.

At the end of Ham’s answers there is always a Bible reference or two to look up on your own to check what God has to say on the issue. As always, it’s an issue of authority.

Maybe I’ll include a reading from these next year for my oldest two (9 + !0)!

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. II Timothy 3:16-4:2

This is a perfect place to let you know about some changes here on CS4K. It’s time to start repaying my family for all the time I’ve poured into this ministry. As soon as my “real” life settles down I’m planning to publish my own kids’ book. But even now I’m participating in a program to earn a little money here.

If you click on the link to the Answers in Genesis store above, or the sidebar links on the right, I earn a commission on everything you buy from them. It helps your family, supports these ministries, and helps me improve this website and eventually take my family on missions trips (the whole reason I decided to become a writer in the first place).



Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!