
One of the most exciting things about the modern Creation Science movement is how each group fills a need and appreciates the others, recognizing them as other members of God’s ministry. The Institute for Creation Research is one of the big players in this movement and without their science, we would have a much harder time exposing reality.

Although all science will support the Creator, there are some areas where Evolutionary thinking will never do the work needed to seek out the truth. The last thing radiometric dating worshipers would want to know is how many millions of years old newly laid lava dates to. Many areas like this would be very difficult for us without scientists who believe the Bible doing the work themselves.

This is something ICR is on the cutting edge of and I am very grateful!

Another area where ICR is top notch is deep Bible study. Since my teen years I’ve been bugged by OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERApreachers who say, “I’ve barely scratched the surface” of the Word and just go on to the next topic/passage. I don’t want to just “scratch the surface”, I want to mine the depths of God’s treasures! When I read ICR’s Days of Praise, I find men who are willing to get down and dirty with the Scriptures. I’ve even written to tell them how much I appreciate this during times when it isn’t possible for me to do it for myself (if you write a nice note, they’ll probably publish it, too).

Today I want to talk about my favorite example of this kind of study. The Hebrew words in Genesis 8:3 hold a wealth of meaning that would be impossible for a normal translation to even touch on. Then, when a geologist gets ahold of the original text, all kinds of realities come into focus.

And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. Genesis 8:3

Hebrew Torah Scroll

Straight forward enough isn’t it? If you look at a bunch of translations, you aren’t likely to find out anything more than in the KJV. But, that’s before you break into the Hebrew!

I’d really like you all to check out the article on this over at ICR, so the rest of the post will just cover the basics for the under 12 year old crowd.

  • The word they interpreted as “continually” is really two words in Hebrew.
  • These two words mean: “to go” and “to come” plus that they kept doing it (which is why we translate it “continually”)
  • So, a more precise translation of the verse would be “the waters returned from off the earth going and coming.”

What great science can we dig out of these two words? Geologists talk about things called a “megasequence”,  “cratonic sequence”, or even just a  “sequence.” These are enormous layers of sedimentary rocks laid down one on top of another. In all, geologists recognize 6 great “sequences.” Although there are some sedimentary rocks underneath, most of them begin with the “Middle-Cambrian” layers, which we put well into the Flood Year.

These sequences are so big they cross whole continents. Not only are they well known and studied in North America, but these same layers are recognizable in Brazil, Russia, and Africa!  Of all things, you can find sequences that look “strikingly similar” across “all southern continents and also in India”.

Sounds to me like something was moving huge amounts of sediment around the world, dropping its load and then picking up more to dump in one layer after another. Maybe, instead of having to see this as an incredibly slow process, we could speed up the tape with a World Wide Flood?

Oh, but then the Bible might be telling the truth!

Something else I don’t have space for is the “going” part of this process. Geologists call it “regression” and, guess what? We are living in one: “the present has one of the lowest sea levels of Earth History.” Are you surprised?


And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. Genesis 9:11

Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!