Superman flying down the sidewalkWhen I was a girl I wanted desperately to be able to fly like Superman. Swimming, I would pretend the tiles at the bottom of the deep end were city blocks I was gliding over. I would fall asleep imagining that I could fly. Not surprisingly, I would dream that I really was flying (my arms and legs had to pump like a swimmer’s for some reason 😀 ), but when I awoke, I was earthbound again.

This desire is certainly not unique, or even unusual. We’ve been watching birds and other creatures in flight since the dawn of time and longing to join them in the air. Many ancient cultures have stories of flying people, including the Persians, Chinese, Northern Europeans, Africans, British and the Greeks. Human beings have always wanted to fly.

This is where Evolution comes in. If you remember my Photosynthesis Quotes, you will know that, according to Evolutionary thinking, plants noticed a problem (Winter was coming), found a way to take care of it (awareness of day length would tell them when Summer was high), and developed a method to correct the problem (daylight sensitivity).

We ran into the same thing with the teacher’s guide to introducing Evolution to little kids. The sea animals noticed that they were getting eaten by the scorpion-like creature, realized they could survive by swimming away faster, so they changed their bodies to accomplish this goal.

So today, I looked around to see how common this idea of organisms running into a challenge and finding a solution is in Evolutionary thinking. Here’s another example of this notion:

The Story of Human Evolution:

“However, it was not enough to always react in the same inherited way to each type of sensation. A particular smell might indicate food in some environments but danger in others. By remembering the association between a sensation and its outcome, mistakes did not have to be made a second time and successful outcomes could be pursued more vigorously.

Worms also inherited sensitivity to touch, temperature, and light from their single celled ancestors. A cluster of light sensitive cells has the potential to form a picture, and so there was strong evolutionary pressure for such clusters to evolve into early forms of eyes.”

Elephant Family Tree

Elephant Family Tree (Photo credit: Travis S.)

These creatures:

  • Remembered the connection between what their senses told them and what happened next well enough to somehow pass it on to their worm-like children
  • They just happened to start collecting light in some cells for no good reason, but then realized how useful this would be, so clung to it and put pressure on those cells to develop into eyes

So, with all the time that people have been dreaming of flying like birds, bats and things, we should be able to fly on our own, right?

Many scientists aren’t much happier with this kind of thinking than they are with our Creator God because it requires desire, planning and purpose. This guy explains the problem:

Evolution: What is an adaptation? Video Gallery

“The whole concept of an adaptation is the notion that there is a pre-existing problem and an organism solves it by adapting to the problem. For example, fins are an adaptation for swimming, so what we mean is swimming was a problem before fish had fins. The problem with looking at evolution in that way is swimming is a problem for trees too!”  Richard Lewontin

He’s right. There is no reason why those “proto” [first] organisms would have ever moved beyond their little ponds to develop any of the other abilities that complex creatures have. There is no Evolutionary explanation for why a dolphin should first start to swim so quickly and gracefully if it had been a land animal to start out with!

Once more we see that the Evolutionists want us to abandon our logical, orderly world filled with meaning and purpose for a theory of mindlessness that leaves us empty, pointless, and hopeless. The only reason I would be remotely interested in believing this notion is if I wanted to pretend that I wouldn’t be responsible for my actions.

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.  Romans 1:25

Cheri Fields

I'm a homeschooling blogger and book writer. The gift God has given me for His kingdom is to understand complex stuff (mostly) and share it with others using everyday words. It is a joy to share God's wonders with all kinds of people and especially the next generation!


future.flying.saucers · at

well stated. 🙂

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