Carbon-14, Archaeology, Dinosaurs, and Why You Should Care
Some time ago I wrote about a temple complex near the mountains of Ararat which everyone agrees is really old. In fact, archaeologists date it to 8,000 BC (or earlier) even though the style is quite ‘advanced.’ Why would they claim this site is so old when they want us Read more…
Ancient Technology: Precision Stonework Part 1
I’ve been reading through another of my new books, the hot-off-the-presses title: The Genius of Ancient Man. I’m hoping to get some more ideas to add to my collection of posts because this topic is as big a thinking-changer as any. So far, it seems that I’ve already at least Read more…
Ancient Spheres: Quotes
From Strange Attraction: The Mystery of Magnetism on the Guatamalan magnetic sculptures, “One of them, for example, which is now in front of the little museum at La Democracia, Guatemala, bears a strong likeness to F.D.R., lorgnette eyeglasses and all.” Shall I add this quote to my Ancient Optics post? From Authentic Maya: Monte Read more…
Ancient Astronomy
Ancient technology Friday!!I know how much we all love to hear about how smart our great, great great…. grandparents actually were, so here’s today’s installment. I was looking around for something else and ran into this page with excellent pictures of intact crystal eyes on Egyptian statues. Scroll down to Read more…