Red Panda, Photo credit: schani

Red Panda

A few years ago we took our kids to a small local zoo and I got to see these critters for the first time.  Even the daddies are so adorable I wanted to pick one up and snuggle (poor guy)! Like its neighbor, the Giant Panda, the Red Panda is endangered with Read more…

Folded Mountains: Part 2

Continued from The Biggest Wrinkles Ever: Folded Mountains We know that there are 4 kinds of mountains: Volcanoes Highlands surrounded by eroded valleys Raised up crustal Rocks (with 2 sub-types, domes and fault-block) Scrunched up crustal Rocks This week we’re learning about this fourth type: Fold Mountains. Not only are Read more…

Our “Backwards” Eyes

One of the reasons Evolutionists tell us that there ISN’T a Creator (and if there is, it’s really stupid) is what they call “imperfect design.”  They claim that if something doesn’t work as well as another design (that they come up with) would, it is proof that everything just happened by chance.  Read more…

NASA image via WikiCommons

The Miller Urey Experiment: Proof for What?

 Definition of Abiogenesis: the supposed spontaneous origination of living organisms directly from lifeless matter—called also spontaneous generation Remember learning about Louis Pasteur? Just before his time, many people believed maggots popped into life wherever meat was left out. They didn’t understand the connection between them and flies. They still thought Read more…

One Human Race

Answers in Genesis has been talking a lot about what it means to know that all people are children of Adam, Eve and Noah’s three sons and daughters-in-law. As Bible believers, we have no reason to think that we are better or worse than anyone else because of our body Read more…