Mossy Rock

Sir Isaac Newton, the Historian

I was looking around to see how far back the timelines of the earliest Post-Flood civilizations can be accurately traced and ran into this book: The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended by Sir Isaac Newton, first published in 1728 (one year after his death). Turns out Newton was very interested in Read more…

Lacy Ferns

The Accuracy of the Bible on Astronomy: Part 2

Isaac Newton's personal copy of the first edit...

Isaac Newton’s personal copy of the first edition of his Principia Mathematica

Continued from yesterday’s post:

He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. Job 26:7

This one doesn’t need any explanation as we all know this is the literal truth.  The only question is, how did Job know?  The rest of the world quickly forgot the truth.  Many people believed that a turtle held up the earth. I’ve also heard that there’s a Russian story of a whale holding up the earth. (more…)