Are Your Kids Ready for Science Class This Year?
In this post I’m going to talk straight to all of us parents out there, although you kids are welcome to listen in. Yesterday, I ran into a page that didn’t surprise me but rather made me sad and excited at the same time. It so clearly shows what is going Read more…
The Resurrection
I didn’t have a chance to write this up before the weekend, so this is a day late. But who cares, it’s still Easter in Germany (they make it a two-day holiday) and I’m going to keep celebrating the Risen Savior for the rest of eternity!!
This topic was a little harder to connect Jesus into Genesis, since Jesus was the first one ever to stay alive forever after death. God helped me remember a few things, so here goes!
Chapter 5 of Genesis is one of those chapters that is really hard to get through when you’re young and just want to hear stories, but right in the middle is a really interesting verse about Enoch, Adam’s 5x grandson.
And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5:24
Just what is this verse telling us? We could be a little confused except that this happened again thousands of years later to Elijah: (more…)