Super Mutant Drawing

Mutants R Us???

I recently received a comment highlighing the importance of this topic, so I thought it was time to share this with you again. You can also check out a clue from the Bible HERE: One of my earliest articles on this blog was on the question of whether dark-skinned people Read more…

Animal Family Reunion: Hybrids

We’ve looked at how Biblical Creationists are said to believe in something called “Fixism” or, the idea that God created all creatures just as we see them today. Scientific observation will show anyone that idea can’t be true. We also know Evolutionists believe every organism is part of one big Read more…

Book Review: Don’t Miss The Boat

Paul Taylor has pulled together a great overview of the history of Noah’s Flood. He covers both the science and the spiritual/moral implications of this seminal event in our history for ordinary people. Although Mr. Taylor doesn’t bring the language down quite to a child’s level, he does a great Read more…

Kinds, Relatives, the Ark, & You

  We’re used to Evolutionists telling us everything is related. From sponges to lizards, from apes to you is supposed to have come from one or a handful of original lifeforms. They love talking about how animals develop into separate species when something keeps one group from having babies together Read more…

The Nations That God Has Made

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, Read more…


The Ancients and the Year

Today, we know the earth comes back to the same position around the sun every 365.2425 days, but, did you know the first post Flood civilizations all used a 360 day year? They also used the cycles of the moon to measure out months (the word “month” means “moon”).  Some Read more…