Pyramids of Giza, Wikimedia

Ancient Spheres: Quotes

From Strange Attraction:  The Mystery of Magnetism on the Guatamalan magnetic sculptures, “One of them, for example, which is now in front of the little museum at La Democracia, Guatemala, bears a strong likeness to F.D.R., lorgnette eyeglasses and all.” Shall I add this quote to my Ancient Optics post? From Authentic Maya: Monte Read more…

Marsh Blooms

Radiometric Dating: Quotes

This is the Quotes of the Day for Scientists Dating? “The rate of creation of carbon-14 appears to be roughly constant, as cross-checks of carbon-14 dating with other dating methods show it gives consistent results. However, local eruptions of volcanoes or other events that give off large amounts of carbon Read more…

Marsh Blooms

Scientists Dating?

  I’d been kind of avoiding this topic, because it is a major eye-crosser. But it is also at the very heart of the Evolutionist’s creed.  Here’s what the Federation of American Scientists has to say about the importance of Radiometric Dating, “The skills of stratigraphers over the last 200+ years has produced Read more…