Are You Sure You Trust God’s Word?
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon Read more…
Math Time! The Scientific Lottery or Powers of Ten
Yesterday I was reading a great post on Dr. Jay Wile’s blog talking about a most interesting “proof” for Evolution. His ideas are great for high schoolers and up (your brain gets a great cardio workout on his blog!), but one idea was so important I decided to jumpstart my Read more…
Can You Spot the Common Ancestors? Part 1
Do you know the basic definition of biological evolution (The idea that life developed from non-living things)? This is actually something people who believe in Evolution don’t like to talk about and we’re going to find out why. Here’s part of Websters’ Online Dictionary’s definition of the Evolution of living Read more…
August 3-5 Weekend Specials
This weekend Living Waters has their book Scientific Facts in the Bible on sale. If you’re reading this next week, the book only costs $6.99, but this weekend it costs $3.00US. It’s easy to sign up for their e-mail and I’ve noticed that most of their resources going on sale Read more…