I got an e-mail the other day from a veteran homeschooling mom who’s done some videos in the creation science field. We had a lovely talk today (including me telling her that I’m only a teensy bit famous!). Her son taught her videography and now is working in Israel with the bombs and everything! For all that, she’s amazingly calm and peaceful.
Right now, there isn’t that much of her work available online for free (something else I mentioned she might consider), but she does have a few videos up on YouTube.
Even though this video doesn’t get into how and when the mantis got invented, I like it. Watching someone hold one makes me wonder why I never did when one would get in the kids’ room window at our last house. However, I have the feeling they tickle and that doesn’t sound like fun to this bookish mom!
for more on the praying mantis (I’m running too late to write any more up today), check these articles out:
Creation Ministries International: Ready to Prey
CreationWiki: Praying Mantis